A /agree /apologizes /argh B /bark /bearhug /beer /beg /blink /blowk /blush /boo /bored /bow /brb /burp C /caff /cheer /chicken /chuckle /cmon /comfort /confuse /congrat /cringe /cry D /doh /drool /drunk /duck E /eek /eh /embrace F /faint /fart /firebreath /flirt /french /frown G /gasp /gee /gift /giggle /glare /gn /greet /grin /groan H /happy /hiccup /hfive /hmm /hold /howl /honor /hug /hum I J /joy K /kiss L /lag /laugh /listen /loser /love M /martian /miss /mmm /moo /mumble /mxit N /nod O P /phew /pinch /poke /ponder /power /purr Q R /relax /rose /ruffle S /salute /scream /seduce /sick /sigh /shiver /shmoo /shrug /shy /slap /smirk /smile /sneeze /snore /snuggle /sorry /spit /spock /squirt /stare /strut T /tag /tantrum /thank /tpyo U V W /warcry /wave /whistle /whop /wink /worship /worthy /wohoo X Y /yeah /yawn Z WITH USER NAME Untuk emote commend yang ini harus disertai nick (user name), diantaranya: /boo /comfort /congrat /cmon /french /glare /hold /pinch /poke /rose /ruffle /slap /snuggle /tag Contoh: Ketik /rose asenk666 hasilnya: **you sends theaam a single, perfect, deep red rose. @>--,--`--** GAME Ketik/rollhasilnya: **asenk666 rolls 21** 8BALL Ketik/8ballhasilnya: **OK** **No** **Don't Bother** **Yep** LISTEN Ketik/listenhasilnya: **asenk666 listens attentively** **asenk666 sits down and listens to the murmur around the room** FORTUNE Ketik/fortunehasilnya: Macam-macam pesan yang akan dipilih secara acak atau random OLYMPIC Olympic special emote commands try it and enjoy! /beibei /champion /challenge /cheers /frenzy /go /gold /huanhuan /jingjing /lose /luck /medal /nini /proud /record /taunt /torch /welcome /whistle /win /winner /yingying FOOT BALL /ball /freekick /goal /handball /hattrick /kick /offside /penalty /red /yellow /cheering /deserve /equalised /goldenboot /join /magnificent /manofthematch /milestone /surprise /pfa /tie /top /watch Silahkan coba sendiri ya.. Cikarang_metal |